Page name: Legato Scares Me! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-04 00:20:54
Last author: ~Legato~
Owner: ~Legato~
# of watchers: 8
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D20: 7
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Legato Scares Me! is now known as The Legato Revolution. You can find it at

The Legato Revolution

. Cheers to a new beginning





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[Blaze the Nameless]: Chibi, chibi, chibi, chibi.

[~Legato~]: you like them then? lol ^^

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i like them head just hurts...>.<

[~Legato~]: i just added more! ^^

[Blaze the Nameless]: I see, I see, I see!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: wooo!...ROBERT SMITH!!...**drools**

[~Legato~]: *hands you a napkin and points to your drool* would you take care of that please, i really don't want your drool all over my wiki!! :-P

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ah sorry...>.< looking at pictures of him so i can deside how to do m y hair for my presentation...

[~Legato~]: YOU ALL MUST CHECK OUT MY NEW PAGE!!! Short Trigun FanFics

[ThEGranDWazoO]: TOO LAZY!....>.<

[~Legato~]: *crosses her arms and squints her eyes* then whenever it suits your fancy....

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i will later...promises

[~Legato~]: *pulls out tazor* YOU'D BETTER!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: eep!

[~Legato~]: muwhahah!!!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Ooooooooooookay. You peeps are crazy!!!!

[~Legato~]: yup!! SHURE ISH!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: 2 HOUR DETENTION.....>.<;;;

[Blaze the Nameless]: Oh! That's gotta suck!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: no kidding!!!

[~Legato~]: *shakes head* You really gotta be nicer at school keys... LOL

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i was 30 seconds late to spanish...and the whole period was ME trying to fix the dvd player anyway....bastard

[~Legato~]: OoOoOoOooOoO....and they gave you detention for being 30 seconds late?!?!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yeah....

[~Legato~]: well if I went to your school...i'd be totally screwed...

[Blaze the Nameless]: Really?

[~Legato~]: yes, I'm usually late for most of my classes everyday LOL

[Blaze the Nameless]: That sucks

[~Legato~]: actually its my fault, I stay and talk to my friends for like the first minute of class ^^

[ThEGranDWazoO]: me too

[~Legato~]: yeah....

[Blaze the Nameless]: I'm never late.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i am!...^^

[~Legato~]: *raises her hand* ME TOO!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: heh heh....thppppppp

[~Legato~]: cathwarp....

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ....foogoomoogoo!

[~Legato~]: shuukkionnibo!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: trooppoort!

[~Legato~]: jinkoptory!!!

[~Legato~]: today is yesterday future & 2moros deep...

[ThEGranDWazoO]: im a very deep person...thank you for noticing....

[~Legato~]: I can be deep as well!! (( come I'm relating the word 'deep' to something perverted?...)) *knocks herself in the head*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ((it was only you))

[~Legato~]: ((of course it was!!!))

[~Legato~]: *hugs [ThEGranDWazoO]*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **is hugged**

[~Legato~]: *_* <-- Smiley on Crack

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ///.@ <--- [ThEGranDWazoO] on crack

[~Legato~]: LOL   *.\\ <--- Legato Bluesummers on crack!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: "*.*" <----Vash-kun on crack!!!

[Lady_Lionheart]: scary!!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: but the face is so CUTE!

[~Legato~]:   "0.o'<--- [~Legato~] on crack

[ThEGranDWazoO]: /*.@\ <----------sami on crack

[~Legato~]:  "O" <---- The world on crack

[Lady_Lionheart]: wow....

[Lady_Lionheart]: wow....knives on crack!-------->^.*

[~Legato~]: heehaa!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: ««>.@»» <----foamy on crack

[~Legato~]:   "//.\\" <--- Goth person on crack


[Lady_Lionheart]: wow!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i likes its!

[Blaze the Nameless]: Be nice to the Goth people!!!!!

[~Legato~]: *is always nice*

[Blaze the Nameless]: Half my friends are Goth and they kick ass!!!!!!!!!!

[~Legato~]: *same here*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i called "goth"....and i like it when ppl are nice to me!!^^

[Lady_Lionheart]: lol me to!

[~Legato~]: *is a bitch to [ThEGranDWazoO]* hahahahahaha!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: NOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOooOoOoOoOOoOoOoOoOoO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: GAH!


[ThEGranDWazoO]: MIIP!!

[~Legato~]: *legato evil grin*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **cries**

[~Legato~]: *sad sigh*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: why sad?

[~Legato~]: I have to wait for my mother to get home to dye my hair hot red again....

[ThEGranDWazoO]: haahaa!...mines black, bleach blonde and 2 shades of brown

[~Legato~]: wow...

[ThEGranDWazoO]: I WIN I WIN I WIN!!!

[~Legato~]: *crosses her arms* ...Pfff...whatever...*mumbles*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: what was that? **leans in with a hand to her ear...**

[~Legato~]: *mumbles:...loser..mumblemumblemumble*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: heheheheheheh!!!

[~Legato~]: lol!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **sighs**

[~Legato~]: **sighs too**

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **single tear falls**

[Lady_Lionheart]: *sits down hugging legato doll*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **hugs herself**

[~Legato~]: *smiles* I HAVE A DOLL NAMED AFTER ME? YAY!!!!!! *huggles keys and hands her a tissue*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: thanks....**whipes her eyes but cant stop herself from crying**

[Lady_Lionheart]: ....what's wrong?*very confuzed*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: im just really upset....i think one if my friends has killed herself....CLOSE friend...

[Lady_Lionheart]: sorry...*looks sad*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: my girlfriend....

[~Legato~]: *hugs keys* I'm sorry....

[Lady_Lionheart]: oh...sorry*hugs tightly*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: it gets better....THERE"S NO WAY ITS MINE....

[~Legato~]: whats yours?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: my heart....the one shes cant be because its been broken into a million pieces before...and when it finally heals....this happens

[~Legato~]: ....oh... *cries* I'm sorry so sorry!! *clings to keys*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **sighs...**thank least someone out there gives a flying fuck about me'

[~Legato~]: of course!! I will always be your friend!! *cheek nudge*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **almost a smile**thanks

[Lady_Lionheart]: ME TO!*hugs*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: hello

[Lady_Lionheart]: yes hahaha...?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i see!!!!

[Lady_Lionheart]: lol I havent slept in over 24 hours give me a break!lol

[Lady_Lionheart]: it sucks!im so tired!

[~Legato~]: ..then...uhh...why dont you sleep?

[Lady_Lionheart]: I accidently took dayquill instead of I couldn't and still cant fall asleep!

[~Legato~]: ...then take some nightquill

[Lady_Lionheart]: tried doesnt cancel it...just made me really hyper...

[~Legato~]: ...oh no...SHES TURNING INTO A DRUGGY!!! AHHHHHH!!!! RUN!!!!! *runs around in frantic circles*

[Lady_Lionheart]: *blinks tirely*I'm to tired to come up with a decent answer to that....

[~Legato~]: *shakes you* WaAaAaAkKkKeEeEeE UuUuUuUuPpPpPpP!!!!!!!!!

[Lady_Lionheart]: *falls asleep*to....tired....

[~Legato~]: *crosses her arms* Don't make me call Legato over her to wake you up... *smirk*

[Lady_Lionheart]: legato?where?*wakes up*

[~Legato~]: *points to her closet* "In There" (whispered)

[Lady_Lionheart]: ok....*walks over*

[~Legato~]: *pushes you in the closet and locks it* HAHAHAHAHAHA!! MUWHAHAHAHA!!!

[~Legato~]: *glomps [ThEGranDWazoO]* hahaha!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: WHY DO I GET GLOMPED!!?!?!?!?!??>.<

[~Legato~]: cause you are a key target...keys... MUWHAHAHA

[ThEGranDWazoO]: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

[~Legato~]: *laughs nervously*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **tackles**

[~Legato~]: AHHHH

[Blaze the Nameless]: Glomping is always fun

[~Legato~]: new poll!! Legato Poll!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: my head hurtd

[ThEGranDWazoO]: my head hurt

[Blaze the Nameless]: How bad does it hurt?

[ThEGranDWazoO]: just does....

[~Legato~]: CHEESE CAKE ROCKS!!!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: EEW!\

[~Legato~]: eew? EEW?!?! *jabs you with eraser end of a pencil*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: BLARRRG!....and ouch

[~Legato~]: Muwhahahaha!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **is janned**

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **is jabbed**

[~Legato~]: *turns it around and jabbs you with the sharp led side* HAHAHAHAH!!!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: **dies of lead poisoning**

[~Legato~]: *laughs at her accomplishment* MUWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

[~Legato~]: .......Just kidding!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

[~Legato~]: <-- ((had one to many...))

[ThEGranDWazoO]: one too many what?

[~Legato~]: *holds up an empty bottle* HAHA

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i see

[~Legato~]: *shoves one your way* wanna join?! *drunk*

[ThEGranDWazoO]: im dead...remember?...X.x

[~Legato~]: *opens your dead mouth and pours beer down your dead throat* MUWAHAHAHA

[ThEGranDWazoO]: eep!

[~Legato~]: *points and laughs meniacally*

[~Legato~]: *much love* MUWHAHAH

[ThEGranDWazoO]: lost

[~Legato~]: *jumps off a 20 story tower and kills herself* NOW WE ARE EVEN!!

[~Legato~]: *has a new Legato picture up!!!!*

[~Legato~]: ya like it???

[ThEGranDWazoO]: i doooo!

[Blaze the Nameless]: So hot! *drools*

[Blaze the Nameless]: I love Legato

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yup.....i love foamy

[Blaze the Nameless]: LOL! The squirrel?

[~Legato~]: Go check out Legato Photo Gallery, I added a ton more pics of Legato.

[ThEGranDWazoO]: YES THE SQUIRREL!...GOSH!....oooooh!  **goes to gallery and drools instantly**

[~Legato~]: did ya like them?!

[ThEGranDWazoO]: yupyupyup

[~Legato~]: ^^ Legato so sexy...mmm...

[Lady_Lionheart]: lol that he is

[~Legato~]: yes!! VERY MUCH SO!!!!!!! *grabs at him*

[~Vash~]: Know what? >> << ^^ Vash is SEZZZZIERR!!!

[~Legato~]: ....-.-;;.... *Wips out a long needle and chases [~Vash~]*... *maniacal laughter* MUWHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[~Vash~]: 0.0;; Eeep! X3

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